
“Everyone needs a coach.”

– Eric Schmidt, CEO – Google

Coaching is for leaders.

If you have found yourself on this website, it’s most likely because you are a ministry leader or board member with a great passion for the Kingdom of God. You have a desire for your ministry and impact to grow, but you need more resources to make it all happen. I’m truly glad you’ve visited my website and if there’s one thing I hope you take away it’s this: everyone needs a coach. As a coach, I am coached. All high performers, and potential high performers, understand the benefits of a coach.

  • The power of coaching is why pro athletes get coaching on the finer points of their game.
  • Eric Schidmt, CEO of Google, famously said, “Everyone needs a coach.” He knew the power of coaching.
  • The power of coaching is why Fortune 100 companies utilize executive coaches. One study found that coaching can result in 5.9 times the return on investment.

Coaching has transformational power.

The reason coaching is so powerful is because it encourages inside-out transformation. Many ministries flounder because they import solutions to problems that dilute their own culture. These types of church-growth ideas simply create more problems. Coaching is reflective, actionable, and process-oriented. That gives coaching transformational power.

  • Moses needed a coach. That’s why God sent Jethro.
  • Jesus famously asked many questions. He knew something that we often forget – a well-placed question can produce radical transformation.
  • Paul coached Timothy and other church leaders using his Epistles.

Coaching breaks barriers.

If you want to break barriers of personal and organizational growth, coaching is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. John Maxwell famously depicted our need for coaching using his leadership principle, “the Law of the Lid.”

 Your leadership ability—for better or for worse—always determines your effectiveness and the potential impact of your organization. – John Maxwell

“I had gotten distracted by grand appeals and social media campaigns. Kendall helped me see that God is calling 100% of our church to be generous in response to the Gospel.”