End-of-Year Giving

I want to help you effortlessly increase your church funding this end-of-year.

Consider these statistics:

  • 30% of the average charity’s donations come between 11/15 and 12/31.
  • 22% of the average charity’s giving comes in the last two days of the year!

All church leaders know that end-of-year giving is important, but some ministries neglect the planning process for this important time of year. When you look at the stats surrounding end-of-year giving, however, its potential is undeniable.

Why Most Leaders Don’t Capitalize on End of Year

Let’s face it. When church leaders hit December, they are tired.

  • Staff performance reviews are looming and suck energy from the main team
  • Christmas-related evangelistic events require time and attention to detail
  • Pastors also have their own families and holiday schedules so don’t have time for one more thing.
  • It feels scary to make one more ‘ask’ during a tight time of year for the middle class.

All those things may be facts – but consider this truth – our donors have been primed to give at this time of year by our culture and tax code. The question isn’t whether or not your donors will be giving at this end-of-year, the question is whether they will be giving to your church or another organization that asked with a more clear plan.

What’s why I created the “The Santa Plan…”

The SANTA Plan

S – Statistics

Analytics and national statistics demonstrate the importance of EOY. Your own church’s analytics will probably demonstrate you are leaving money on the table. When coaching clients, I take a data-first approach to help leaders connect with potential donors.

A – Announcements

Most financial leaders will be meeting with their tax professionals in October or early November to prepare their end-of-year contributions. Our calendar makes it so important to communicate end-of-year giving vision with clarity, in advance, and with vision. I suggest announcing your end-of-year giving opportunities for church giving or individual support raising between 11/14 and 11/21 – before the Thanksgiving holiday. 

N – Next Steps

For those of us that pastor congregations, the holidays often include many new guests at church services. A Christmas giving / end-of-year giving initiative is a significant next step for new guests. This not only engages the guest in Kingdom work during the holidays. Giving also allows you to capture important guest information.

T – Talk

An end-of-year giving initiative allows leaders to communicate to those they shepherd about giving naturally. If you are a missionary on support, this allows you to talk about your percentage raised. If you are a pastor, this gives you the opportunity to talk about your church budget. 

I have a pre-designed communication plan, with dates, so you communications team can “press go” and see donors immediately engage.

A – Altruism

Altruism is defined as “unselfish concern for the welfare of others.” The holidays are still, for the most part, an altruistic time. People are touched by others’ needs and the need for charity during this time of year. We incorporate an altruistic opportunity into EOY giving.

Every church needs a plan for end-of-year giving.

I have a proven plan for end-of-year giving that has empowered churches to raise millions over the last two years.

  1. Philosophy – Getting your team on the same page and evaluating previous attempts
  2. Designing the Campaign – Branding and goals
  3. Communications – This is where the strategy becomes action
  4. Receiving Gifts – Planning of your Response Sunday and digital process
  5. Follow-Up – Sometimes we are praying for a breakthrough and we really just need follow-through. We design a follow-up plan.

Coaching your team for three months comes at the investment of $5,000. That may seem high, but consider this: Most clients raise an additional $500,000 at end of year. That’s a 100X return on investment.

Results last year:

The below churches all raised the below amounts above and beyond expected giving in the difficult financial climate of Southern California. What potential does your church have?

  • Non-denominational Church – Orange County, CA – Raised $1M
  • Non-denominational Church – Sacramento, CA- Raised $550K
  • Non-denominational Church – San Diego, CA – Raised $580K

Book a free call with my on calendly and we’ll make sure things are a good fit.

Don’t Need Coaching? Try the Course.

I put my entire end-of-year giving consulting package (a $5,000 value) into a $299 e-course for busy church leaders like you. You can put this together on your own, or you can use a tried-and-true plan that has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for ministry.

I think you’ll find the $299 was well worth the investment.The investment is 100% refundable.

Your have two weeks – start now!

Whether your pursue EOY Giving Coaching, or the course, do something! This is the time to maximize 2022 giving and make sure that you end in the black with margin for ministry for 2023.